Jun 19, 2012

President Speaks..

Nazli Tawfeeqi
Founder & President of New Dawn Society since July 2006

When we organized our first event “Live to Give” back in 2005 we weren’t officially established yet. I had final exams & had to run around from the printing press to endless meetings and workshops. I remember downloading the soundtrack and studying at the same time. When we look back at that event in particular we feel very proud because it was the most successful event out of all. Yes, it was difficult to plan, but the excitement and enthusiasm reflected in a huge success.

The motive behind every event is to make a difference in our community. First by providing help to those in need, and second by investing our time in something useful. I don’t regret being busy or stressed the past seven years because of society work. It’s the total opposite, I feel proud for not wasting my time socializing/watching TV etc. There is time for everything if you plan your day well.

Lack of support, complications of rules and regulations, funding, lack of commitment, political situation and many other negative factors never fail to limit our work and stand on our way. But after all those years, we learned how to coop with all that. We learned our lessons and now we know that this is our environment and that we have to find our way around it. It’s very difficult, but we’ve got to fight it in order to reach our goals.

Community work is for free. You don’t get money in return of your work but you get what’s better than money: Allah’s blessings, peace of mind and self satisfaction.

“I don’t have time” is an out of date excuse. Anyone can manage time if he really wants to. If you’re passionate about volunteer work and if you really want to add something to this life, you will. It’s all about prioritizing.

This is a call for all of you out there who want to make a difference but don’t know how to start. Join New Dawn Society and it will be your first step in building this community.

18 June 2012

Jun 11, 2012

Distributing Water to Workers

In cooperation with Racer Times, New Dawn distributed cold water to workers on construction sites on 9 June 2012 noon time. The areas covered were Saar & Janabia. 

Charity day with Crepe Cafe

In cooperation with Crepe Cafe Budaiya, an amount was raised to buy ACs for the families in need. A charity package was offered in 9th June 2012 (BD5 for a Nutella Crepe & any drink) with a percentage of it being donated to New Dawn Society.